Boyfriend Fucks Me And My Friend Eats Me Village Sex Best Enjoy

Eventually, I feel her puke rise up through her throat and surround my cock. I don’t pull out. Enjoying the sensation, I notice her body shaking as what little oxygen she was getting is completely cut off. I jack my cock back and forth in quick motions, not pulling out of her throat. Another retching sound erupts from her and I see her stomach violently lurch as more hot liquid hits my cock. I savor the sensations and leave my cock inside her for another ten seconds. I finally pull out. Vomit spews out of her mouth under pressure like water from a hose and hits the floor and wall behind me like a projectile. She alternates between panicked screams and desperate attempts to breath, to get enough oxygen after having been cut off for so long. Her voice, having changed substantially with no front teeth, is unrecognizable as she yells, “No more! No more!” I ignore her pleas and stuff my dick back into her mouth. Using her face like a cunt is incredible. She continues to puke up huge. Her ass had huge dimensions and for a moment it reminded me of the beach volleyballs. I held her around her hip and started sucking her ass, which made her moan even more. Slowly I moved my fingers towards her sex and was soon rubbing it swiftly with my fore and middle finger. Moans of ecstasy were evolving from her mouth and they had a very seductive effect on me too. After sometime her pussy was completely wet with her juices and I decided to put my recently gained knowledge about sex, into use. I picked her up into my arms and laid her back-down on the desk. Then I kneeled down and adjusted her pussy to my mouth. Within a few seconds she was moaning intensely due to my continuous licking of her pussy along with occasional fingering. Soon she had an orgasm, my first ever seen orgasm and it came right on my face. After such an intense orgasm she relaxed a bit and said, “This was the best orgasm I have ever experienced!”I laid myself on the desk beside her and turned to my side.
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